Newfoundland/Labrador HF/VHF/UHF Aviation Frequencies


Gander Oceanic - HF Frequencies

NAT - A 3016.0 5598.0 8906.0 13306.0  
NAT - B 2899.0 5616.0 8864.0 13291.0 17946.0 
NAT - C 2872.0 5649.0 8879.0 11336.0 13306.0 
NAT - D 2971.0 4675.0 8891.0 11279.0 13291.0
NAT - F 3476.0 6622.0 8831.0 13291.0  
Gander Volmet 3485.0 6604.0 10051.0 13270.0  

International Air - Gander Radio

Brevoort 124.825
Fredericksdal, Greenland 118.425
Gander 126.900 - 127.100
Hopedale 120.550
Prins Christian Sund, Greenland 134.950
Saglek 123.750
St.Anthony 122.375
St.John's 122.375

Gander Area Control Centre (Domestic - CZQX)
Frequency Service Transmitter Location  
124.050 FL290 & Above Allen's Island Nfld
124.825 FL290 & Above Brevoort Nunavut
128.075 FL290 & Above Brevoort Nunavut
132.025 Oceanic Clearance Delivery Brevoort Nunavut
132.550 FL290 & Above Cape Dyer Nunavut
121.375 FL290 & Above Churchill Falls Labrador
126.025 FL280 & Below Churchill Falls Labrador
128.700* FL290 & Above Churchill Falls Labrador
134.600 FL280 & Below Deer Lake Nfld
124.175 FL290 & Above Gander Nfld
125.900 FL290 & Above Gander Nfld
128.500 FL280 & Below Gander Nfld
132.100 FL280 & Below (Extended Range) Gander Nfld
132.600 FL290 & Above Gander Nfld
133.900 FL290 & Above Gander Nfld
120.400 FL280 & Below Goose Bay Labrador
127.675 FL290 & Above Goose Bay Labrador
132.400 FL290 & Above Goose Bay Labrador
133.425 FL290 & Above Goose Bay Labrador
118.250 FL280 & Below Hibernia Oil Drilling Platform
120.550 FL290 & Above (Shared with Gander Radio) Hopedale Labrador
125.375 FL290 & Above Hopedale Labrador
128.325 FL290 & Above Hopedale Labrador
132.650 FL290 & Above Hopedale Labrador
135.400 FL280 & Below Hopedale Labrador
134.200* FL290 & Above Kuujjuaq Quebec
135.450* FL280 & Below Natashquan Quebec
119.625 FL290 & Above Saglek Nfld
123.750 FL290 & Above (Shared with Gander Radio) Saglek Nfld
128.475 FL290 & Above Saglek Nfld
135.325 FL290 & Above Saglek Nfld
134.475 FL290 & Above Simiutaq Greenland
119.850 FL290 & Above (Shared with Gander Radio) St.Anthony Nfld
124.725 FL290 & Above St.Anthony Nfld
126.450 FL290 & Above St.Anthony Nfld
128.600 FL290 & Above St.Anthony Nfld
133.000 FL290 & Above St.Anthony Nfld
134.300 FL290 & Above St.Anthony Nfld
125.075 FL290 & Above St.John's Nfld
128.175 FL290 & Above St.John's Nfld
132.050 FL290 & Above St.John's Nfld
132.475 FL290 & Above St.John's Nfld
133.150 FL280 & Below St.John's Nfld
134.700 FL290 & Above St.John's Nfld
135.350 FL280 & Below (Shared with Gander IFSS) St.John's Nfld
128.450 Oceanic Clearance Delivery St.Pierre Allen Island
134.900 FL280 & Below St.Pierre Allen Island
120.325 FL280 & Below Stephenville Nfld
135.050* FL290 & Above Stephenville Nfld
119.425 Oceanic Clearance Delivery Sydney Nova Scotia
119.700 FL290 & Above (Broadband Global Area Network) Wabush Labrador
134.000 FL290 & Above Wabush Labrador
298.400 FL280 & Below Gander Nfld
294.500 FL280 & Below Goose Bay Labrador
371.900 FL280 & Below St.Anthony Nfld
227.300 FL280 & Below St.John's Nfld
*  Serves as Oceanic Clearance Delivery between 23:30Z & 07:30Z
If you are an Air Traffic Controller at the Gander ACC and can help with any updates to this list, I would appreciate hearing from you. My contact information is available via this link  E-Mail

Hopedale Airport - (CYHO)
Frequency                        Service                                                Transmitter Location

 122.800                          Aerodrome Traffic Frequency                            Hopedale, Labrador
 123.650                          Halifax FIC                                            Hopedale, Labrador
 126.700                          Halifax FIC                                            Hopedale, Labrador
 128.900                          Air Labrador                                           Hopedale, Labrador
 129.900                          Air Labrador                                           Hopedale, Labrador
 120.550                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above (shared with Gander Radio)    Hopedale, Labrador
 125.375                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Hopedale, Labrador
 128.325                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Hopedale, Labrador
 132.650                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Hopedale, Labrador
 135.400                          Gander ACC FL280 & Below                               Hopedale, Labrador
Gander International Airport - (CYQX)
 Frequency                        Service                                                Transmitter Location

 118.100                          Tower                                                  Gander, Nfld
 121.900                          Ground                                                 Gander, Nfld
 128.500                          Arrivals/Departures                                    Gander, Nfld
 132.100                          Arrivals/Departures                                    Gander, Nfld
 124.800                          ATIS                                                   Gander, Nfld
 123.475                          Halifax FIC                                            Gander, Nfld
 126.700                          Halifax FIC                                            Gander, Nfld
 128.850                          Military - Outcast Ops                                 Gander, Nfld
 124.175                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Gander, Nfld
 125.900                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Gander, Nfld
 128.500                          Gander ACC FL280 & Below                               Gander, Nfld
 132.100                          Gander ACC FL280 & Below (Extended Range)              Gander, Nfld
 132.600                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Gander, Nfld
 133.900                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Gander, Nfld

 130.050                          Aerosmith Inc.                                         Gander, Nfld
 129.100                          Allied Aviation Service                                Gander, Nfld
 123.350                          Exploits Valley Air Services                           Gander, Nfld
 122.550                          Gander Aviation                                        Gander, Nfld
 122.950                          Gander Aviation                                        Gander, Nfld
 128.900                          Jazz Ops                                               Gander, Nfld
 129.425                          United Parcel Service                                  Gander, Nfld
 122.900                          Universal Helicopters                                  Gander, Nfld
                                  Irving Aviation Services                               Gander, Nfld
 122.700                          Woodward Aviation                                      Gander, Nfld

 236.600                          Tower                                                  Gander, Nfld
 275.800                          Ground                                                 Gander, Nfld
 252.800                          Military - Outcast Ops                                 Gander, Nfld
CFB Goose Bay - (CYYR)
 Frequency                        Service                                                Transmitter Location

 119.100                          Tower                                                  Goose Bay, Labrador
 121.900                          Ground                                                 Goose Bay, Labrador
 119.500                          Arr/Dep - Goose Terminal Control Unit                  Goose Bay, Labrador
 118.100                          Clearance Delivery                                     Goose Bay, Labrador
 128.100                          ATIS                                                   Goose Bay, Labrador
 123.475                          Halifax FIC                                            Goose Bay, Labrador
 126.700                          Halifax FIC                                            Goose Bay, Labrador
 120.400                          Gander ACC FL280 & Below                               Goose Bay, Labrador
 127.675                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Goose Bay, Labrador
 132.400                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Goose Bay, Labrador
 133.425                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Goose Bay, Labrador

 128.900                          Air Labrador                                           Goose Bay, Labrador
 129.850                          Goose Ops - Canforce                                   Goose Bay, Labrador
 123.300                          Irving Aviation                                        Goose Bay, Labrador
 129.350                          Jazz Ops                                               Goose Bay, Labrador
 123.000                          Provincial Airlines                                    Goose Bay, Labrador
 129.525                          Provincial Airlines                                    Goose Bay, Labrador
 129.425                          United Parcel Service                                  Goose Bay, Labrador
 122.900                          Universal Helicopters                                  Goose Bay, Labrador
                                  Woodward Aviation                                      Goose Bay, Labrador
 134.100                          444 Squadron                                           Goose Bay, Labrador

 236.600                          Tower                                                  Goose Bay, Labrador
 275.800                          Ground                                                 Goose Bay, Labrador
 267.100                          Arr/Dep - Goose Terminal Control Unit                  Goose Bay, Labrador
 257.000                          Arr/Dep - Goose Terminal Control Unit                  Goose Bay, Labrador
 336.500                          Clearance Delivery                                     Goose Bay, Labrador
 340.800                          ATIS                                                   Goose Bay, Labrador
 344.600                          Pilot to Metro Service                                 Goose Bay, Labrador
 350.500                          Goose Ops (Canforce)                                   Goose Bay, Labrador
St. Anthony Airport - (CYAY)
 Frequency                        Service                                                Transmitter Location

118.650 Limited Weather Information Service St. Anthony, Nfld
122.300 Deer Lake Radio - RAAS St. Anthony, Nfld 122.375 Int'l Air Gander Radio St. Anthony, Nfld 127.100 Int'l Air Gander Radio St. Anthony, Nfld 123.275 Halifax FIC St. Anthony, Nfld 126.700 Halifax FIC St. Anthony, Nfld 128.900 Air Labrador St. Anthony, Nfld 129.525 Provincial Airlines St. Anthony, Nfld 119.850 Gander ACC FL290 & Above (shared with Gander Radio) St. Anthony, Nfld 124.725 Gander ACC FL290 & Above St. Anthony, Nfld 128.600 Gander ACC FL290 & Above St. Anthony, Nfld 133.000 Gander ACC FL280 & Below St. Anthony, Nfld 134.300 Gander ACC FL290 & Above St. Anthony, Nfld
 5680.00 USB                      Arctic Radio
St. John's Int'l Airport - (CYYT)
 Frequency                        Service                                                Transmitter Location

 120.600                          Tower                                                  St. John's, Nfld
 121.900                          Ground                                                 St. John's, Nfld
 129.200                          De-Icing (Iceman)                                      St. John's, Nfld
 122.375                          Int'l Air Gander Radio                                 St. John's, Nfld
 126.900                          Int'l Air Gander Radio                                 St. John's, Nfld
 128.000                          ATIS                                                   St. John's, Nfld
 123.275                          Halifax FIC                                            St. John's, Nfld
 126.700                          Halifax FIC                                            St. John's, Nfld
 133.150                          Departures (Gander Centre)                             St. John's, Nfld
 128.175                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               St. John's, Nfld
 132.050                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               St. John's, Nfld
 132.475                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               St. John's  Nfld
 134.700                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               St. John's, Nfld
 135.350                          Gander ACC FL280 & Below (shared with Gander IFSS)     St. John's  Nfld

 129.200                          Aero Mag 2000                                          St. John's, Nfld
                                  Inland Technologies                                    St. John's, Nfld
 130.375                          Air Canada Dispatch/Load/AGRIS                         St. John's, Nfld
 130.800                          Air Canada                                             St. John's, Nfld
 129.900                          Air Labrador                                           St. John's, Nfld
 131.025                          Air Reserve Torbay Ops                                 St. John's, Nfld
 131.875                          Cargojet                                               St. John's, Nfld
 123.300                          CASARA                                                 Transportable
 122.900                          Irving Aviation Services                               St. John's, Nfld
 130.500                          IMP Group Ltd.                                         St. John's, Nfld
 129.000                          Jazz Ops                                               St. John's, Nfld
 129.550                          Jazz Ops                                               St. John's, Nfld
 130.475                          Jazz Ops                                               St. John's, Nfld
 129.525                          Provincial Airlines                                    St. John's, Nfld
 123.000                          Provincial Airlines                                    St. John's, Nfld
                                  Shell Aerocentre - Torbay Aero Services                St. John's, Nfld
 128.950                          Swissport                                              St. John's, Nfld
 130.650                          Swissport                                              St. John's, Nfld
                                  Air St.Pierre
 131.275                          Westjet                                                St. John's, Nfld
 123.500                          Woodward Esso Aviation                                 St. John's, Nfld

 236.600                          Tower                                                  St. John's, Nfld
 275.800                          Ground                                                 St. John's, Nfld
Stephenville Airport - (CYJT)
 Frequency                        Service                                                Transmitter Location

 122.100                          Airport Radio                                          Stephenville, Nfld
 123.475                          Halifax FIC                                            Stephenville, Nfld
 126.700                          Halifax FIC                                            Stephenville, Nfld
 132.300                          Gander ACC FL280 & Below                               Stephenville, Nfld
 135.050                          Gander ACC FL290 & Above                               Stephenville, Nfld

 122.725                          Stephenville Airport Group                             Stephenville, Nfld
 128.900                          Air Labrador                                           Stephenville, Nfld
 129.525                          Provincial Airlines                                    Stephenville, Nfld

Click here for Newfoundland/Labrador Flight Service Stations & RCOs

If the airport you're looking for is not listed on this page, please try scanning between 122.000 & 124.000 MHz for local UNICOM or (ATF) aerodrome traffic frequencies.

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This page last updated April 15 2020